
Møtested: Coretta & Martin Luther King Institute
Adresse: Pilestredet 27
Sted: 0164 Oslo
Møtetid: Onsdag, 18:00
Møtedetaljer: We are a hybrid club, meeting physically and digitally every second Wednesday. You are welcome to attend our meetings, please contact us to get access either at our meeting venue or virtually.

Rotary wheel

Welcome to the Oslo International Rotary Club!

Oslo International Rotary club (OIRC) is an English-speaking membership Organization established on the 12th of February 2012. It aims at gathering Norwegians and Non-Norwegian nationals under the Rotary´s main objective - service - in the community, in the workplace, and around the globe.

Want to be a member in a Rotary club?

Our meetings are held in the premises of Oslo International Hub every second Wednesday with a digital option for those who cannot be present. If you wish to attend a meeting as a guest, please send us an e-mail and we will add you to our meeting, whether you choose to attend in person or virtually.

NB! Please be advised that OIRC does not issue invitation letters, arrange visits or guided tours.

If you are interested in our activities these are normally always published on our Facebook page or you may contact us directly. Please also read about our Club projects in our new Project website.

We collaborate with other Rotary Clubs in our district and have also close bonds with the Rotaract Club Oslo International (RACOI)

Our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/OsloInternationalRotaryClub
Our Instagram page: www.instagram.com/oslointernationalrotaryclub

Sign up for our monthly newsletter here or scan the QR code: 

OIRC is responspible for the D2310 RYLA 5 - 7 April 2024!


Klubbens møter

Charitable event: wine tasting

2025-05-08 17:45 - 21:00

Preparations for Club Visioning

2025-05-21 18:00 - 19:00

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